Suffering from dry, itchy, red or burning eyes? Optilight may be right for you.

Not sure if you have dry eyes?

Dry Eye Treatment Options

  • Complete Dry Eye Package IPL+ RF - $2300

    The OptLight IPL dry eye treatment utilizes intense pulsed light to target inflammation and improve tear production,. When combined with the Forma-i InMode dry eye treatment, it provides a comprehensive approach, addressing both underlying causes and symptoms for more effective management of dry eye conditions.

  • Form-I Radiofrequency Treament (RF) - $1400

    The Forma-i InMode dry eye treatment employs innovative technology to stimulate tear production and alleviate dry eye symptoms effectively. By utilizing targeted radiofrequency energy, it promotes natural lubrication and restores ocular comfort for individuals suffering from dry eye conditions.

  • Optilight Treament (IPL) - $1400

    The OptLight IPL dry eye treatment utilizes intense pulsed light to target inflammation and dysfunction of the meibomian glands, which are often associated with dry eye syndrome. By restoring balance to the tear film and promoting healthier tear production, it offers significant relief from dry eye symptoms for patients.

Schedule a Dry Eye Evaluation

Evaluations are often covered by medical insurance and treatments/medications are HSA/FSA elligible